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How to use the demo version of the VEGA-Science

To use the demo version of the service VEGA must be logged in as user demo with password demo. To do this, enter the username and password in the appropriate fields in line authorization and press "Enter". By default, user and password are already entered, and simply press the "Enter"

The demo version allows the user to see the functionality of the service from the number of fields that are in the Belgorod region. User of demo version can not entry their fields and analyze the condition of crops on them. To do this, you must subscribe to the service.

You can view the function of "Analysis of the vegetation" in the following way.

Using the link "Fields list" you can go to the list of demonstration fields. Details of the selected field will be made available to the right. In the section "Characteristics of the field" the user can enter information about their culture, which is cultivated in this field and of its yield. This information will allow the user in the future to calculate the crops productivity forecasts for the selected field.

Link to "Analysis of the vegetation" allows you to visualize a graph of the progress of growing crops in the selected field in the current season and for every season since 2001. Here the user can visualize the changes of basic meteorological parameters, as well as typical curves of the individual cultures.

Another way to get acquainted with the function "Analysis of vegetation" by reference "on the map". To visualize the map you have to select "Fields entered by the user" and zoom the map to the territory west of the Belgorod region. Next, click the mouse on the "i in blue circle", you can click on one of the demo field and get a link to a page with the graph analysis.

On the same page, the user can visualize the current values of vegetation index, determined from satellite data MODIS, as well as the mask of winter crops, clean steam and arable land.

If you change the tab from "Vegetation" to "High-resolution data" (the leftmost icon on the top left), you can use satellite data of higher resolution (LANDSAT) for the date selected by the user of the available in the archives as a background image. To do this you must set the date for which the user wants to find data in the archive and in "Products" menu select item "Image".

If you have any questions about using the demo version. You may ask questions at . We will try to answer them.